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Apprenticeship development in customer service, retail, travel and hospitality – Scotland


Skills Development Scotland has a requirement to procure a contract for the development of new service apprenticeships as aligned to the Scottish Apprenticeship development approach. New apprenticeships will be developed through review of existing apprenticeships and through utilisation of the new development model. This approach is based on the input of technical expert groups.

Our customer

Skills Development Scotland

Aim of the project

We are working with Skills Development Scotland to redesign Modern Apprenticeships in customer service, retail, travel and hospitality using an employer-led approach that allows employers to take ownership of the design and construction of apprenticeship to ensure it’s relevant, adaptable and creates the skills they need.  The revised framework will help to address skills needs and gaps in these sectors for Scottish employers, whilst also simplifying the apprenticeship landscape.

Our work includes:

  • Employee recruitment and identification of work situation titles
  • Employee workshops: Recruit experienced employees to attend and contribute to employee workshops to agree on the work situations and to provide additional information on the knowledge and skills associated with these. This will also include analysis of additional data sources of information. This should also help to identify the scope of the apprenticeships to be developed and agreed by SDS.
  • Apprenticeship Development: Recruit for, prepare and facilitate technical expert group (TEG) meetings and subgroups to refine and produce the final work situations and final content for the apprenticeship standard and frameworks in scope.
  • Qualification design and approval: In collaboration with qualification design group (QDG) members, use the final work situations and approaches to assessment and delivery agreed by the TEG to design and credit rate the qualification products associated with each
  • Facilitating with a provider advisory group (PAG) to ensure learning providers review the proposed qualification products and provide feedback on delivery and assessment and demonstrate commitment to delivering the qualification when live.
  • Qualification development: Manage the identified awarding body to develop the qualification/s required to enable delivery of the apprenticeship, qualification development should be completed no more than 3 months after the approval of the apprenticeship by AAG
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