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Skills needs research for the North East visitor economy – UK

Building the evidence base to influence future workforce priorities in the North East visitor economy

Recruitment and retention issues have severely impacted the visitor economy industries over the last few years and present a significant issue for businesses.

With the impact of the pandemic having adversely impacted the sector and magnified many of the workforce challenges already faced resulting in a staffing crisis, this has intensified the need for skills development.

Given that the North East was selected as the location for a major tourism project which aims to attract more investment, welcome more sporting, business and cultural events, support business growth, create new jobs, and boost domestic and international tourist numbers, the intelligence to better understand the complex skills issues that leaders need to address is more important than ever.

NewcastleGateshead Initiative (NGI) is committed to creating a sustainable tourism offer and ensuring industry is equipped with the skills needed to achieve its growth potential. People 1st International are supporting this vision for the sector by providing a comprehensive picture of new and emerging workforce challenges and skills priorities, setting out an action plan that will help the visitor economy sector to grow a skilled and professional workforce.

Our customer

NewcastleGateshead Initiative / Destination North East England

Aim of the project

  • Labour market intelligence to identify priority workforce and skills needs: We will gather quantitative and qualitative labour market information and provide robust analysis to help employers, education providers and policy-formers, make informed decisions which underpin a successful and dynamic job market.
  • Action plan: A series of recommendations along with an action plan and implementation strategy will be developed based on the labour market intelligence and mapping of skills provision to highlight the key actions needed to address the workforce and skills needs for the visitor economy in the North East.
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