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Local economic assessment and vulnerability mapping analysis – Jordan

Employment and Livelihood Programme (ELP): Socio-economic empowerment for vulnerable Jordanian youth and Syrian refugees in Jordan


The European Union (EU) funded Employment and Livelihood Programme (ELP) is aimed at enhancing decent employment and micro businesses opportunities for youth, Syrian refugees and women in Jordan. The activities include supporting work-based learning and work readiness programmes and targeting the skills mismatch between labour market demand and skills supply. They also include promoting partnerships with the private sector and civil society organisation in skills development and employment services, supporting micro businesses creation and development, as well as supporting community-based initiatives that can support and sustain the inclusion of the targeted groups. The programme will enhance the evidence-basis on economic inclusion opportunities and livelihoods for refugees and host communities, notably through action research, to support inclusive policy dialogues, programming, planning and implementation. 

This study will inform subsequent interventions as part of the ELP targeted at those in the three vulnerable groups.  

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Aims of the project

The main objective of the study is to identify the economic sectors and relative training opportunities with highest potential to ensure that vulnerable Jordanian youth, women, and Syrian refugees have concrete chances to find employment or engage in successful entrepreneurship opportunities.

The study is expected to provide:

  1. Vulnerability mapping analysis of the defined target groups of the Action – Jordanian youth, Syrian refugees, and women in (at least) 6 Jordanian governorates;
  2. Local economic assessment of the sectors of the local labour economy with highest potential for job creation and entrepreneurship, identifying also related TVET training opportunities;
  3. Recommendations based on the data analysis, generating and evaluating different alternatives or scenarios that could address the objective of the study.
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